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News & Insights
Saudi housing program report: household homeownership rate rises to 63.74 percent
Saudi housing program report: household homeownership rate rises to 63.74 percent
The Saudi Arabian government recently released a report on its 2023 housing program titled “Empowerment and Construction: We Help You Own Your Home,” according to a report by Saudi Press Agency (SPA). The report details the housing program's performance indicators, strategic objectives, and contribution to the country's economy, particularly in support of non-oil GDP, providing a comprehensive picture of achievements in relation to Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030 goals.
Jul 22, 2024
Saudi housing program report: household homeownership rate rises to 63.74 percent
Saudi housing program report: household homeownership rate rises to 63.74 percentSaudi housing program report: household homeownership rate rises to 63.74 percent
Jul 22, 2024
Saudi Arabia Real Estate Market: Riyadh's Potential for Modernization and Challenges
Saudi Arabia Real Estate Market: Riyadh's Potential for Modernization and ChallengesSaudi Arabia Real Estate Market: Riyadh's Potential for Modernization and Challenges
Jul 18, 2024
Riyadh's New Wave of Sea View Properties: Exploring the Future
Riyadh's New Wave of Sea View Properties: Exploring the FutureRiyadh's New Wave of Sea View Properties: Exploring the Future
Jul 16, 2024
Riyadh Luxury Real Estate Market: Investment Opportunities Under Policy Initiatives
Riyadh Luxury Real Estate Market: Investment Opportunities Under Policy InitiativesRiyadh Luxury Real Estate Market: Investment Opportunities Under Policy Initiatives
Jul 16, 2024
Current Status and Future Prospects of Riyadh's Real Estate Market
Current Status and Future Prospects of Riyadh's Real Estate MarketCurrent Status and Future Prospects of Riyadh's Real Estate Market
Jul 16, 2024
Saudi Arabia's 2030 Housing Plan: Strategic Implementation and Market Outlook
Saudi Arabia's 2030 Housing Plan: Strategic Implementation and Market OutlookSaudi Arabia's 2030 Housing Plan: Strategic Implementation and Market Outlook
Jul 16, 2024
Saudi Arabia Real Estate Market: A Pillar of Economic Growth
Saudi Arabia Real Estate Market: A Pillar of Economic GrowthSaudi Arabia Real Estate Market: A Pillar of Economic Growth
Jul 13, 2024
Saudi Arabia's Construction Industry: Rapid Development Driven by Vision 2030
Saudi Arabia's Construction Industry: Rapid Development Driven by Vision 2030Saudi Arabia's Construction Industry: Rapid Development Driven by Vision 2030
Jul 9, 2024
Saudi Real Estate Industry: Steady Growth and Investment Opportunities Driven by Government Strategies
Saudi Real Estate Industry: Steady Growth and Investment Opportunities Driven by Government StrategiesSaudi Real Estate Industry: Steady Growth and Investment Opportunities Driven by Government Strategies
Jul 8, 2024
Riyadh's Construction Boom: Cost Pressures and Housing Challenges
Riyadh's Construction Boom: Cost Pressures and Housing ChallengesRiyadh's Construction Boom: Cost Pressures and Housing Challenges
Jul 5, 2024
Continued growth of the real estate market in Saudi Arabia and its impact
Continued growth of the real estate market in Saudi Arabia and its impactContinued growth of the real estate market in Saudi Arabia and its impact
Jul 1, 2024
Saudi Arabia's construction industry: booming growth and market prospects under Vision 2030
Saudi Arabia's construction industry: booming growth and market prospects under Vision 2030Saudi Arabia's construction industry: booming growth and market prospects under Vision 2030
Jun 29, 2024
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